3 Tips to Keep Your Faith in Constant Motion

Are you working your FAITH today? Do you have a spirit of faith or a spirit of fear? Hopefully, you are using your faith as a SERVANT. Is your faith…
Stagnant or flowing (working)?
Which type of water source would you want to drink from? While stagnant water invites bacteria and disease-carrying larvae, flowing water is a pure, continual source of life-giving refreshment.
The same is true of faith. Stagnant faith stinks! And it doesn’t bring life. Faith in constant motion brings life and a continual flow of answered prayer. But let’s be real. It takes work!
Here, we’re offering 3 Tips to Keep Your Faith in Constant Motion, so victories will keep flowing!
- Be Continual in Your Feedings. Living beings who eat now and then will still be alive, but they won’t be in very good health. They’ll be malnourished, weak, and—as a result—lacking in happiness and vibrancy. The same is true of faith. You can keep it alive, but it won’t be thriving, growing or yielding a victorious life if it isn’t fed continually.
So, be continual in your feedings on the Word of God. Read your Bible, pray, listen to teachings (go to our You Tube Channel: Triumphant Word Christian Center) and attend Church or Bible studies (we’ve got some good Virtual Classes via Zoom scheduled this month) . Do something EVERY DAY to feed your faith to some degree. There should be few exceptions. It will keep your faith flowing—bringing you life and VICTORY all the time! Remember, we shared yesterday “Your FAITH level determines your VICTORY level”. (1 John 5:4 (NLT) – “For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.”)
Between you and the devil, someone is going to give up and stop fighting. Just be sure that someone isn’t you! To keep from being worn down by spiritual attacks, make a decision that you will NEVER stop fighting the good fight of faith. You will NEVER stop reading the Word, believing the Word and speaking the Word.
- Sprinkle declarations over yourself and your life throughout each day by confessing the Word of God.
- When you get in the car to drive somewhere, plead and apply the Blood of Jesus, yourself and your vehicle. Profess and declare by faith, Psalms 91 as you travel.
- When you’re at the grocery store, thank God for the means to buy the food, thank Him for favor, and declare that your cart will supernaturally yield more food for less money than it would in the natural.
- Pray over your meals.
- When a challenge—even a small one—comes your way, talk to God in the moment, and ask for His intervention. Don’t always wait for a crisis!
These are just three tips to keep your faith in constant motion, but you could think of a lot more! Faith is a LIFESTYLE. When you practice making it part of your daily life, it will begin to flow in your life continually without even much effort. Our goal for you: Constant Faith. Constant Victory. Remember dear friends, we are “Triumphant In Christ, so we can Live Victorious in Life!”